What? Highest tax hike in 30 years!
Yes! You heard that right!
Last budget cycle, your Greenville County Council voted to RAISE your taxes by the highest amount in 30 years!
I know, we can’t believe it either! But yet it is true!
Current Greenville County Council members sold us a bill of goods.
People like Mike Barnes, Chris Harrison, Butch Kirven, Liz Seman, Dan Tripp, Enis Fant, Joey Russo, and Alan Mitchel all voted to APPROVE the HIGHEST tax rate increase in 30 years!
We don’t agree with it and know you don’t either!
Council claimed they needed more money for Sheriff Deputies and EMS but the Sheriff said he was going to get his money regardless of the tax hike or not.
Does this sit well with you?
We hope it doesn’t!
Greenville County Council is made up of 12 individuals, currently 10 of them identify as Republicans and two identify as Democrats. Yes, you heard that right! 10 Republicans and 2 Democrats. So we ask the question, why are we ever raising taxes under REPUBLICAN control? This is not what Republicans do! At least not those who sign on to the Republican platform and creed! Some of these Republicans even claim to be CONSERVATIVE! They even ran on and got elected under the campaign pledge to be against tax increases. Yet, when the rubber met the road, they VOTED to INCREASE your taxes by the largest amount in 30 years.
Did we even need a tax increase? We don’t know! Current council members will not support or even do a real audit of the budget. THEY DONT EVEN KNOW IF THEY NEEDED A TAX INCREASE! They just went along with it because the administrator said they had to. WHO IS IN CHARGE WE ASK?
The Palmetto Conservative Fund supports a complete forensic audit of the county budget. Let’s see where our money goes, how it’s managed, and where it is wasted. And THEN if it’s proven we need a tax increase we can talk about it. Not until then!
We have a real opportunity to make this county great again! Enough of the crony and wasteful spending, the poor budgeting practices, the bowing to a rogue county administrator. Seven of these current council members are up for re-election right now. The primary is June 11. This is your chance to make a real lasting change on council. This is your chance to elect real conservative fighters who will look very closely at the budget, will look closely at how our roads are being mishandled, and look to strongly support our boys in blue and EMS folks. All without raising your taxes ever continually higher.
This is why the PCF was created. To make a positive and lasting change! Let’s do better than we have in the past. Let’s truly make this county great again!
This is why we are supporting the following candidates:
Curt McGahhey in District 21
Kelly Long in District 18
Frank Farmer in District 22
Garey Collins in District 27
Steve Shaw in District 20
Please vote in the June 11 primary. The primary is the most important vote. Many of these folks don’t have Democrat opposition currently, so this is your time to pick. If they win on June 11, they will automatically win in November. June 11 is where it all matters! The PCF humbly asks for your consideration of these candidates. We think we have some good ones who will do the right thing. And if they don’t, we’ll hold them accountable too!
As always, we exist to do good things and to make positive change. If you like what we stand for or what we are doing, would you consider a small donation? Help us help you make this county the greatest bastian of conservatism and freedom we can! We have a strong opportunity to do so this time! Let’s not lose this opportunity! Just visit our donation page and send us whatever you can, small donations are always welcome. We know things might be tough in your life, were not asking for something you can’t give. But if you can, any help is greatly appreciated!
The Palmetto Conservative Fund