Evert’s Electables ( County Council Edition!)

Evert’s Electables

Republican Primary

June 11, 2024


PLEASE NOTE—IMPORTANT DETAIL: The following is excerpted from the paper “Evert’s Electables” put out by Evert Headley. All comments are his. We are only republishing the portion that pertains to the Greenville County Council election and districts. Do not take this flier to the polls. By law, you may take only a list of names and offices to the polling site.

  • For candidates already in an office, I have been able to check voting records. My comments reflect their voting records over the course of their tenure.

  • For those who have never run for office before, and who claim a position, I will state their claim, but understand I have nothing by which to verify that claim.

  • Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. A photo ID is required to vote in South Carolina.


Greenville county council district # 18

Kelly Long                                                       https://www.votekellylong.com         

Lifelong resident of Greer, she has been in Banking or Finance for 30 years, specializing in Mortgage Banking.  She has a business degree from USC and a Masters in Business Management from Norh Greenville. Her Issues are: Ethical Growth vs Overdevelopment, Transparency in Budgeting & Finances, Pro-Life, Pro 2nd amend, Parental Rights in Public Ed, & Constitutional Conservatism.  She got in the race because of the incumbent Raising taxes and voting against members who wanted to keep Porn and very Graphic sexual descriptions in books, out of the children’s sections. There is a story that Mrs. Long was Fired from a previous job. That is untrue, she like many people lost their job in 2008 when the Real estate market collapsed. Endorsed by Palmetto Conservative Fund.


Mike Barnes    INCUMBENT                       https://www.facebook.com/VoteMikeBarnes

Local businessman who has been on council for 2 full terms. He owns a towing company. The last few years he has been unopposed.  A strong supporter of the police and first responders.  He has three really bad votes in this last term, He voted “no” on a resolution to disallow porn and very graphic sexual books and materials in the children’s and young adult sections of the public library.  He supported and voted for the largest tax increase in Greenville County history, and he voted to put progressives (who wanted to have the sexual graphic and included porn images to stay in the children’s sections) on the library board in two rounds of votes.  He sided with the liberals and Dems on council.


Evert: I endorse and would vote for Kelly Long.




Greenville county council district #20

Steve Shaw    INCUMBENT                       https://vote4steveshaw.com      

Travelers Rest and Taylors real estate attorney who lives in the Taylors area. Campaigned on a platform to protect our conservative Christian values, manage our county’s growth, strengthen gun rights, support the sheriff’s department, lower the cost of living by shrinking government and cutting taxes. Long-time NRA member. Volunteer state constable. Holds PhD in growth management.  Recipient of the Order of the Palmetto for Second Amendment advocacy. In 2020 received a 100% ranking from the SC Citizens for Life. He has been a fighter for conservative values on council, he fought against the tax increase and has fought and helped the local community fight to remove the Graphic sexual items from the children’s sections in the libraries.  He is one of only 3 who consistently voted conservative on taxes and social issues. Endorsed by Palmetto Conservative Fund.


Ken Matesevac                                              https://ken4district20.com

First-time candidate. He and his wife are both graduates of Bob Jones University and are currently members and he is a deacon at Colonial Hills Baptist Church. Strong advocate for the Right to Life. Advocate for strong fiscal conservatism as well as strong social conservatism. His issues are: Repealing the Property Tax Increase, Focusing on the Core Functions of Government, & Supporting what is Good, Moral, and Constitutional.  Ken got into this race when Mr. Shaw announced that he was seeking another office. Mr. Matesevac is not running against Mr. Shaw; he was intending to run to make sure that the values he and Mr. Shaw share are still represented on council.  I was intending on supporting Mr. Matesevac in this run before Mr. Shaw got back into the race.  A quote from his website “Conservative Republicans stand for limited government, but we also need to speak out for what is good and right. We must keep porn out of our public libraries. We must refrain from infringing on people's God-given liberties. We must encourage noble work over government handouts. We must support our police and justice system. And we must root out corruption, fraud, and graft.”


Alex Reynolds                                               https://www.votealexreynolds.com

First-time candidate. A graduate of North Greenville.  He has several blogs and from his campaign websites you can tell he is versed in online communication.  In all of that he says very little about where he stands on issues, he is very good at creating a word salad and not being transparent on where he really stands on an issue.  I have heard that he favored the most recent tax increase, he said he is against them at a recent forum, but when Joey Russo changed his vote to vote in favor of the tax increase, he posted Mr. Russo’s FB page thanking him for his vote!  From what I can see his signs are also with other establishment candidates and in the same yards as establishment candidates.  I suspect he will be a vote with the other moderates & liberals on council.


Evert: A politician who votes conservatively on hard fought and divisive issues is increasingly rare. When we ask politicians to vote conservative and they do so, we must support them when they are up for reelection.  I really admire and like Mr. Matesevac; I believe he is as conservative as the incumbent. Mr. Shaw has taken the hard votes and stood with the conservative community and had our BACK; we at this time must step up and have his BACK.  I hope Mr. Matesevac runs for office again as he is a strong conservative voice; don’t take my comments as criticism of him or his campaign. 


I fully endorse and would vote for Steve Shaw.


Greenville county council DISTRICT #21

Curt McGahhey                                             https://www.mcgahheyforcouncil.com  

“Curt is conservative family man, successful business owner and retired U.S. Marine. He owns CAVU Flight School and Aviation Services, and flies commercially as a contract Maintenance Test Pilot for the U.S. Army. As a husband and father, he understands the core values you hold dear to your heart. Curt will rigorously protect those values ensuring Greenville remains a great place to live and raise a family.” The Issues he is campaigning on are: Taxes, Out of Control Growth, & Lack of Accountability. Endorsed by Palmetto Conservative Fund.


Chris Harrison                                              https://www.harrisonforcouncil.org                  

He is a commercial real estate broker. Graduated from Clemson with a focus on City and Regional Planning.  Previously served on the planning commission, and the Greer planning commission. He grew up in the district, 4 years ago he ran as conservative republican who wants to be fiscal frugal, pro Business, pro-growth (with a check on uncontrolled growth).  However, his record for the last couple of years does not reflect the campaign promises he made 4 years ago, He voted for the largest tax increase in Greenville County history, and when constituents communicated with him to ask that he not, he was dismissive and let them know he was happily voting for the tax hike.  On the library board vote he voted for the conservatives and some existing members, he didn’t vote for the progressive candidates, although in 2022 he voted against the resolution to restrict porn and graphic materials from the children’s section in the library.


Evert: Because in my opinion Mr. Harrison has not fulfilled his campaign promises of 4 years ago. I would not vote to re-elect him.


I would vote for Curt McGahhey.  

Greenville county council DISTRICT #22

Frank Farmer                                                 https:// https://frankforgreenville.com/       

“I’m a God-fearing Christian, a conservative Republican, and a native of Greenville, South Carolina. At my four years at the Citadel, I went on to join the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division, where I earned a promotion every single year at the Citadel as well as the Army for my leadership abilities.” He has taken a strong stance regarding standing against tax increases and transparency in the finances of the county.  Claims to be Anti-tax & Pro-Life. He has stood up for moral values regarding removing sexual and graphic books from the Children’s sections of libraries, because of this gvlflag (a group who is essentially fighting to keep gay and Trans Themed books in the library regardless of their graphic nature and maturity levels) has condemned his campaign. Endorsed by outgoing Councilman Tzouvelekas, and Palmetto Conservative Fund. 


Ethan Jedziniak                                            https://www.ethanforgreenville.com/            

A native of Columbia, SC, Ethan moved to Greenville to attend Furman. After completing law school at Washington & Lee University, Ethan returned to Greenville and joined his sister’s law firm, Hawkins & Jedziniak, LLC.  He is a Trial attorney.  His campaign issues are: Forward-Thinking Land Use Practices, Reasonable Government Balance, Preventing Repeat Offenders, & Cleaning Up Highway 276. Claims to be Pro-Life and anti-tax.


Jay Rogers                                                    https://www.votejayrogers.com/                   

“Jay Rogers was raised in Greenville, graduated from the University of Virginia and completed his education at the University of South Carolina School of Law. He has worked in private law practice in Greenville since 1989.” He is campaigning on: Fix Our Infrastructure, Keep People Safe, Protect Taxpayers, Get Things Done, Plan Ahead For Growth.  In his comments he talks about how the council is divided, and they should be getting things done instead.  So instead of acting like the last councilman I get the impression he plans to go along to get along and work with the liberals and Dems on council.  That is the message I get, so he is a moderate at best.  He is currently on the planning commission and there are several articles in the Post & Courier regarding him, Ennis Fant, and the chair of the planning commission, the articles deal with the ethics of some housing projects.


Nina Thomas                                                 https://www.votethomas4gvl.com/                            

Has voted as a Democrat for several years, in my opinion NOT a Republican just running as a GOP.


Evert: I think Mr. Farmer & Mr. Jedziniak are the two conservatives of the two I think Mr. Farmer is the stronger candidate.  Stan Tzouvelekas has endorsed Frank Farmer.


I would vote for Frank Farmer. This will probably go to a runoff.


County Council District 27

Garey Collins                                                 https://www.collinsfor27.com              

Mr. Collins has a inspirational story, he was one of 13 children, and his parents died when he was a child, he moved through several foster homes.  Once he came of age, he joined the military and retired after his career of service in the Air Force.  He wants to improve roads, defend the 2nd Amendment, and he supports constitutional carry.  Constitutional conservative republican, husband and father of three. He has always desired service to his community. Now that he has retired from the military, he serves as a substitute teacher, on-call bus driver, YMCA youth coach and special needs mentor.  He is running on: Rising Taxes, Rising Population & Rising Frustration.  He is steadfast against raising taxes and responding to its constituents.  Endorsed by Palmetto Conservative Fund.


Butch Kirven - Incumbent                           https://www.butchkirven.com   

Mr. Kirven has been on council for several terms, and he has rarely had any opposition in the primary. On the issues over the years, he has been a moderate, this term it has turned more liberal. He has supported tax increases. Retired Brigadier General from Army National Guard. He received a lot of criticism over his handling of the Covid shutdown issues.  He has three really bad votes in this last term, He voted no on a resolution to disallow porn and very graphic sexual books and materials in the children’s and young adult sections of the public library.  He supported and voted for the Largest Tax increase in Greenville County History, and he voted to put progressives (who wanted to have the sexual graphic and included porn images to stay in the children’s sections) on the library Board in 3 rounds of votes. 


Evert: Its time for a change, I would vote for Garey Collins.








About the Author, Evert Headley


Evert has been involved with politics since 1989, both at state and local levels. He considers himself to be a Reagan conservative (conservative on social, economic, and national security issues). His first issue is always the Right to Life (without that right, which is endowed by our Creator, none of the other rights even exists). His second issue is always the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms) because this right guarantees the ability of individuals and states to defend the other rights. His third issue is always the First Amendment (freedom of religion, speech and assembly). His fourth issue is the defense of capitalism and the defeat of Socialism/Marxism/Fascism, along with the protection of private property rights. On the national level, we are printing too much money, spending too much money, and borrowing too much money. The federal government is trying to usurp and infringe upon the rights reserved to the states and to the individuals.



Produced by Evert Headley



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